Latest news
Defib installed at 5 Roads following support from Crieff Community Council
Thanks to the Crieff Community Council we now have a fully working defib in the old phonebook at the 5 Roads just up from the Strathearn Community Campus.
Strathearn Pest Control sponsor the defibrillator in Gallowhill phonebook.
We were delighted when Strathearn Pest Control decide to award CrieffAED a grant.
Crieff Rugby Club install their defib down at the club house.
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Crieff Community Council agree to purchase former BT phoneboxess for defibs in Crieff
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Latest defib installed opposite Taylor Park entrance.
Thanks to the Friends of Macrostay Park a defib has been purchased and installed opposite the bottom car park. The Friends had to get the Roads Dept to dig up the pavement before connecting to the electricity.
Pretoria Bar
Thanks to the Pret owners we now have managed to get a defib fitted in the square side the pub. Thanks to Fiona and their customers who provided £1,200 and access to their electricity supply.
Muthill defibs
We have ordered the next defib for Muthill. We have added some monies to the fundraising achieved by Kathleen Sweeney. The defib will be located at the garage.
Next debs locations?
We had a recent meeting and have a provisional priority list for the next defib locations. More to follow. We ordered 4 more defibs on the 4th of August but we are having supplier issues. We hope the 4 will go to Taylor Park, Handy Shop, Comrie (tbc) and Crieff High Street (tbc).
Local Electricians support Crieffaed
Thanks to Iain Brock who has found the time to help connect all our defibs. he has done this free of charge which has saved us a lot of money, allowing us to keep funds and order another defib.